Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break and Heart Ache?

I know at some point on here I mentioned that I wasn't good at this sort of thing.....and the month (or couple of months ; ) that I haven't posted prove it! I'll admit it, I'm a bad blogger.  I'll work on it.  OH the things that have happened in these months, let me tell ya, there wasn't a lot of slacking involved.  I've lived, that's for sure. 

I officially made it through the first half of my last semester! WHOO HOO! No simple task I tell ya.  Now I'm on spring break, well, kind of.  I'm working all week. Someone's gotta pay those bills : ) I did however, play hookie from work today, the weather last night totally made up my mind.  I'm such a rebel right?! The day off (doing HW) and shopping with my Momma and Aunt totally set me back in check though.  God I love that woman.  That poor mall we took on too, it should be illegal for three women in my family to be in the same vecinity at the same time!

So to the heart ache on my spring break.  Well, I met a man, yes, a man, not a boy.  Step one.....CHECK! However, without going into details about the crazy complicated and hush hush situation, it's not going to work out.  Now, as much as this hurts, I'm kinda proud that I realize this, and am 'trying' to move on.  Not going so well, but I do have a great support system behind me pushing me right through it.  Let me tell ya, this dating world........not all it's cracked up to be.  Ladies, go kiss those husbands/fiance/boyfriends.  Most of what's out there is no bueno.  I however, have nothing but good things and prayers to say for the wonderful man that can't be in my life right now.

As most of my loved ones can tell you, I've been in a bad mood about this 'man' situation the last couple of weeks. SO, what better to do than to count my blessings and the things that I am thankful for.  That should set me right back on course.  Today I am thankful for: God, Momma, Dad, Brother, our health, my friends, the roof over my head, the food on the table, my college education (almost there:), heart ache, my job, and my Aunt being in town. 

There are SO many more blessings in my life, I just need to remember to count on those in my time of need rather than focus on the negative, but it's just so darn hard.  I guess it'll come with aging.  Are we aloud to do a shout out on here.  Well, i'm going to......TO: the one person who will probably read this  blog entry know who you are.... keep your head up, remember to count your blessings, and remember I'm here for you even when you don't think I am. You WILL get through this and be stronger for it. Love you!


  1. I think I read it first;). You will make one MAN super lucky one day. You are a smart girl for making hard decisions now instead of waiting until when it's even harder.

  2. I love you B! Thank you for doing a shout out!! We are in this together and even though you arent in the relationship with me, I am here to support you and help you get through the hard times and the good! You are a wonderful woman and friend and sister, the right man is out there, maybe not the right place and time but he is there...

  3. Thanks Momma D. Love you too Cat : )
